Best of the month: November 24
Published :
12/09/2024 12:07:45
Categories :
Lab news

From the warmth of a glowing sunset in Pornic to a shower of snowflakes in the New York subway, we're traveling this month thanks to this selection of the best November photographs captured by our community:
@trystanfuriaLeica M6 Kodak Gold 200 & @marinetoux Yashica T4 Lomo 400
@ninettes35mm Canon Prima Super 115 Kodak T-Max 100 & @emitrutru Minolta Mini Riva Kodak Gold 200
@alinediot Pentax K1000 Kodak UltraMax 400
@mariecanciani Nikon FG Kodak Portra 400 & @mathilde.tistchenko Mamiya 645 Kodak Portra 400
@antoinezores Canon EOS3 Film Washi F
@shots2wish Minolta X-500 Fuji 400 & @_adrienblot_ Pentax K1000 CineStill 800T
We hope you enjoyed this selection as much as we did!
Every month we select our favorite photos,
so if you'd like to see your photo selected for the December issue
and shared on our networks and our Newsletter,
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