Best of the month : october 24
Published :
11/12/2024 12:23:26
Categories :
Lab news

As October slowly fades away, giving way to the first freshness of November, we invite you to step back into the suspended moments of the past month...
Between the golden lights of autumn and the chill of the first winds, everyone has captured the magic of this changing season in their own way.
Whether you're looking for the last bursts of light or already wrapped up in the softness of autumn evenings, let yourself be carried away by the sublime photographs of our talented photographers selected this month:
@alexleger_ Leica MP Kodak Portra 400 & @lpdb_photo Minolta Hi-Matic 7S Lomo Lady grey 400
@jojosousleau Minolta Dynax 4 Kodak Gold 200 & @single_barrel Canon A1 CineStill 400D
@camilleeleonor Dubble Camera Nation Photo 400BW & @ninettes35mm Canon Prima Super 115 Kodak Gold 200
@jp___fernandes Konica Hexar AF Kodak UltraMax 400 & @victoireclym Minolta Riva Zoom 90ex Kodak Gold 200
@fivestringsserenade Olympus Mju II Kodak ColorPlus 200 & @photo.graffeur Leica M4-2 Kodak Vision 3 250D
We hope you enjoyed this selection as much as we did!
Every month we select our favorite photos,
so if you'd like to see your photo selected for the November issue
and shared on our networks and our Newsletter,
tag us on Instagram