We develop your photos as if they were our own
Accidental Beauty by Enzo Lefort
Published :
01/09/2025 15:24:03
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Curated by Enzo Lefort, this exhibition pays tribute to the happy accidents that reveal unconventional beauty.
Enzo Lefort's photographs are on show from Monday January 13 to Friday March 14 at our Nation Photo Lamartine shop.
“Photography has changed the way I look at the world around me. By dint of looking for beauty, my eye has trained itself to see it. ”
“There's no need to compose beauty. It surrounds us, it's omnipresent. I think that's what I like best about photography: sublimating a scene from everyday life that doesn't catch the eye at first glance.”
“Accidental Beauty is a series that pays tribute to the happy accidents that reveal unconventional beauty.”