We develop your photos as if they were our own


Follow our step-by-step guide (film type, process, paper, borders, quantity...) then add your film processing choice to your basket. You will receive an email after payment with all the details about how to send us your film(s). Any questions ? Call us or see our FAQ.

Choose a Film Type

If you can't find the process you're looking for,try here !

Choose a process Look carefully at what it says on your film

* The effects produced by the different chemical processes have been simulated here, but will vary according to exposure and to how you have conserved your film

Choose a process Look carefully at what it says on your film

* The effects produced by the different chemical processes have been simulated here, but will vary according to exposure and to how you have conserved your film

Choose a process Look carefully at what it says on your film

* The effects produced by the different chemical processes have been simulated here, but will vary according to exposure and to how you have conserved your film

Choose a process Look carefully at what it says on your film

* The effects produced by the different chemical processes have been simulated here, but will vary according to exposure and to how you have conserved your film

What type of camera did you shoot with?
What type of camera did you shoot with?
If you want your film scanned to digital files, choose the definition you want. Otherwise, move on to the next step.

* depends on film size

If you want your film scanned to digital files, choose the definition you want. Otherwise, move on to the next step.
If you want your film scanned to digital files, choose the definition you want. Otherwise, move on to the next step.
If you want your film scanned to digital files, choose the definition you want. Otherwise, move on to the next step.
If you want your film scanned to digital files, choose the definition you want. Otherwise, move on to the next step.
What type of scanning do you want?
Choose a format for your prints, or advance to the next stage
Choose a format
Choose a format for your prints, or advance to the next stage
Choose a format
Choose a format for your prints, or advance to the next stage
Choose a format
Choose a format for your prints, or advance to the next stage
Choose a format
How would you prefer your prints ?
Which paper do you want for your prints ?
If you want to project your slides, you can ask us to mount them
Destruction of your films
Negative cutting

Please note that negatives which present hard to distinguish spaces between the views won't be cut at all

Negative cutting

Please note that negatives which present hard to distinguish spaces between the views won't be cut at all

Pour quand en avez-vous besoin ?

Entre le délai d'acheminement des films vers notre laboratoire, le temps de développement de vos films et le délai de retour de vos pellicules, le délai total moyen est estimé à 10 jours ouvrés. Vous recevrez les numérisations bien avant mais si vous avez besoin de vos développement plus rapidement nous vous proposons une formule express avec un enlèvement des pellicules chez vous sous 24h, un traitement prioritaire une fois arrivé dans notre laboratoire ainsi qu'une réexpédition de vos films par transporteur express. Avec cette formule vous pouvez espérer un délai de traitement total inférieur à 5 jours ouvrés.

Film quantity
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Price €12.90
- Film: Black and White - Format: 35mm - ISO: 400 - 36 exposures - Grain: Very fine
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Kodak Tri-X 400 35mm Film